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My father was a bookie and his father before him was a bookie as well. My brother followed in “the family business” but I decided to take another path.

Today, instead of taking money from bettors I help them win it!

From the time I was a little kid I was an insider in the horse racing betting industry. I saw how my father and grandfather made their money. I know exactly how this works … and the good news is bookies can be beat.

It doesn’t matter if you are looking to supplement your work income or make enough money betting to live (nicely) on … it can be done.

I’ve helped thousands of bettors make money – and I’m confident I can do the same for you. That’s why I urge you, if you are looking to earn real profits through horse race betting, to get comfortable and read this short letter now.

Growing up in Ireland my family was known for two things – drinking and horse race betting.

I’m not going to say much about that first thing because I don’t want to feed any Irish stereotypes but the second thing – well, that was and still is our family business.

I remember tagging along with my father as he would go around the town (Galway) taking bets, collecting winnings and paying out on occasion.

It was a job he loved and I quickly began to love it as well. It was fun and exciting and you got to interact with all kinds of interesting people.

My dad … and my grandfather … both made a lot of money!

My brother is making a lot of money today as a bookie.

Because the whole system is slanted in their favor! They set the odds – and you can bet they do it in a way that gives them the edge over the long term.

As I grew older, I began to tire of the bookies’ advantage. I could see what it was doing to horse racing bettors. It was crushing their dreams. It was taking their money.

Eventually, I decided to go in a different way than my family. Yes, I’m still involved in the family business – horse racing betting. But instead of taking people’s money, now I help them win it.

The good news is I’ve been able to make a lot of money with my betting system that I developed after getting extensive experience in exactly how bookies operate.

But what really energizes me every day is that I’m winning my money and helping others win money without taking money from hard-working bettors like you.

I’ve seen it in my family – it can wear on a man seeing others lose their life savings … seeing others lose money they needed to pay the bills … seeing others fail to make the money they needed to get through the month.

All that sadness and desperation can be heartbreaking – and I didn’t want any part of it.

That’s why I decided to help people instead of take from them. I do that with my own horse racing betting tips site.

Featuring tips from an insider who grew up in the hotbed that is Irish horse racing, this site is just what you need if you want to take the stress and uncertainty out of betting and instead start placing winning bet after winning bet.

The truth is the biggest problem for my members is finding bookies willing to take their bets. That’s because they win so much. But this isn’t really much of a problem anymore due to all the online bookies who are always eager to take a person’s horse racing bets these days.

Imagine being able to earn six figures a year simply betting on the horses. Well, there are many members here who are doing just that.

They live wonderful lives. They get up when they want … visit a track if they want … or they can place bets online from home.

They are the boss. They truly live lives of leisure – and they do it by using the horse racing tips I deliver right here at

Don’t you think you could make money winning 8 out of every 10 bets you place? Of course, you could. All you need is a decent money management strategy and you could build a terrific account balance in no time.

When you bet smart and you have access to insider winning tips – you can really grow your bankroll fast.

With a membership here, you don’t have to study the racing form for hours and go to the track early to analyze the horses and try to get the “inside scuttlebutt.”

I have connections at all the tracks in Europe and the US and I know how to leverage those connections to get my members the tips they need to win.

I also have a direct line to what the bookies are thinking. My family may not like what I do for a living but I’m still family. That means we still eat together and drink together and spend holidays together.

I live just a couple of doors down from my brother the bookie and my father and grandfather are just a short drive away.

There just isn’t any easier or surer way to make money betting on the horse races than by joining

I joked earlier about putting the “luck of the Irish” on your side but there isn’t really any luck to this at all.

My system is all about knowledge and skill acquired from years spent at race tracks and with bookies.

I use my knowledge and connections to come up with the very best, most accurate tips – and my members reap all the benefits.

Who says you have to work like a dog to become rich?

My tips provide you with a shortcut that allows you to completely skip all the hard work that can go into horse race betting.

You don’t have to do research. You don’t have to try to make friends with jockeys and horse owners and other bettors.

Just take my tips, place your bets and count your winnings 8 out of 10 times!

With a membership here you’ll:

Horse race betting has always been one of the most profitable forms of betting. Unfortunately, the bookies have always had an unfair advantage … until now that is.

Thanks to, you can now get the horse racing tips you need to beat the bookies and build wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

For example, with these tips:

Before you had to study the horses yourself and work out their perceived chances of winning.

Then you had to battle uncertainty and come up with the best possible bet.

Now that’s all done for you so that you can quickly and easily place bets with the best odds of winning.

With you can build a very profitable horse race betting career – even with no experience and little money in the bank to start.

Because with you have an insider link who can determine what the bookies are thinking and what the horse owners are doing and identify the best, most profitable bets without you having to give yourself a headache trying to search and get the answers yourself.

I haven’t officially introduced myself yet – my name is Conor and like I said I’ve been involved in horse racing and with bookies since I could walk.

Now I regularly make over seven figures a year simply by betting on horse races. The even better news is I help my members here at win big money as well.

I do that by giving you the exact same tips that I’m betting with.

That’s right, you can bet right along with me and make money as I make money.

With my tips, you won’t just win money immediately, you’ll also:

Betting on horse races is definitely not for everybody – just as investing in individual stocks is not for every investor.

Some people lack the temperament and discipline to deploy my tips effectively.

Often, it requires you to ignore instinct and put your faith in what I’m revealing.

If you can set your emotions aside, though, my tips can prove to be both exciting and lucrative. 

Things would have been so much easier!

But now you have the opportunity to learn from me …

My tips are all you need to make money consistently betting on horse races.

You won’t have to go through any learning stage – which can be very time-consuming.

My tips will save you thousands of dollars and provide you with the solid foundation you need to achieve success as a horse racing bettor today.

I send you only the best tips with the highest odds of winning. Again, these are tips I use myself.

As a result, these tips will help you avoid the common mistakes beginning bettors make – saving you valuable time and money and allowing you to discover the absolute quickest path to horse race betting riches.

In fact, with your membership here you’ll receive the exact tips you need to achieve your betting dreams – and you can get started right away. Just click the sign up button below to start receiving my winning tips.

If so, horse race betting could be just what you are looking for! Here’s why:

Stop for a moment, and consider what you would do with all the extra money you could be making betting on horse racing.

How much would you expect to pay for betting tips and advice that quite literally could change your life by allowing you to earn the income you’ve always dreamed about?

Certainly, even hundreds of dollars would not be unreasonable to many considering what could be made following a few bets with my tips! But relax you won’t have to pay near that much for a membership here.

In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of a special promotional offer and sign up for a special reduce price.

Just choose the membership that is right for you below.

Remember: the tips you receive here could allow you to earn more than a hundred times the small price you will be paying – and that’s not even mentioning all the money you will save by avoiding the costly mistakes beginning bettors usually make!

Why make yourself go through all the expensive trial and error that so many horse race bettors go through when starting out?

When you could save yourself a lot of hard work as well as valuable time and money by receiving my tips regularly?

This is your chance to get the very best horse race betting tips – the ones today’s most successful bettors use.

Get these tips and learn:

Pick your membership option below:

Hurry, I must warn you that I can’t keep these memberships at these low prices for long. They are far too valuable.

To take advantage of this tremendous offer while it lasts, click on the sign up now button below.


Conor D.

P.S. Remember the current special promotional membership prices won’t last long. Sign up now and save before it is too late!

P.P.S. When it comes to making money betting on horse racing you can do it the hard way or the easy way. The hard way is doing the research and studying yourself and placing bets filled with stress and uncertainty. The easy way is signing up for and getting the winning tips you need to make money delivered right to you with no work and no worry on your part!

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